Released for Captain Scarlet’s 50th anniversary – Spectrum File One is an enhanced audiobook based on the 1967 novel by John Theydon.
A violent thunderstorm floods London. Florida is laid waste by hurricanes. Somehow the Mysterons are controlling the world’s weather, and only Spectrum can stop the devastation.
Captains Scarlet and Blue head into space aboard Fireball XL19 to destroy a weather-control satellite that has been taken over by the Mysterons – only to discover that the real cause of the destruction is much closer to home.
As Scarlet and Rhapsody Angel confront the mastermind behind the latest Mysteron attacks they discover the true scope of his plan, and if they cannot stop him then the Earth faces certain climatic catastrophe.
Based on the 1967 novel ‘Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons’ by John Theydon.
Written By: John Theydon
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
David Graham (Narrator), Liz Morgan (The Angels), Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet)
Director and Producer Jamie Anderson
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Captain Scarlet ™ and © 1967, 2001 and 2017. ITC Entertainment Group Limited. Licensed by ITV Ventures Limited. All rights reserved.