Released for Captain Scarlet’s 50th anniversary – Spectrum File Three is an enhanced audiobook based on the 1967 novel by John Theydon.
A chance encounter with Captain Black leads Melody Angel to uncover a plot by the Mysterons to devastate the world’s food supplies by contaminating them with a deadly new bacteria. While Destiny Symphony and Harmony pursue Black, Rhapsody is on the trail of the only man who may be able to destroy this new culture – but the Mysterons are one step ahead of her, and soon a new and even greater danger looms.
As a wave of death and destruction begins sweeping across Canada all five Angels are deployed to combat the threat – but will their attempts to stop it only make things worse?
Based on the 1967 novel ‘The Angels and the Creeping Enemy’ by John Theydon.
Written By: John Theydon
Directed By: Jamie Anderson
David Graham (Narrator), Liz Morgan (The Angels), Wayne Forester (Captain Scarlet)
Director and Producer Jamie Anderson
Executive Producers Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
Captain Scarlet ™ and © 1967, 2001 and 2017. ITC Entertainment Group Limited. Licensed by ITV Ventures Limited. All rights reserved.